Hopism is political theory written by an ordinary person with ordinary aspirations
for life. Hopism recognises and accepts human nature’s weaknesses and strengths and
tries to build a realistic framework to create a society of low tax, high social
service and low waste.
This is Hopism-Beta-Edition, republished again after a four year break due to background
issues. It is still edition 1 and could do with some editing, better english, slicker
graphics, some videos and many more diagrams. That will get done sometime during
rainy dark November 2014, together with a discussion forum, where this rough idea
can be beaten into shape and better written by contributors.
The end result is more useful work done, a happier society and more free time to
enjoy your life - whilst knowing that social obligations are met.
Hopism is short and sweet
Hopism is under development, there will be bits you like and bits you dont, maybe
there could be different splinter variants. The theory itself is simple and should
take less than an afternoon to understand. There are around twenty texts on the webring,
each less than a thousand words.
Volkstat will be a conventional political organisation to promote hopism.
The principal Hopist values are the introduction of Folkcracy, Casamunde and Capcialism.
Volkstat will also fight and expose loanism and nonetarism at every opportunity.
Volkstat party can work together or bind with existing political parties who align
to the introduction of Folkcracy and Capcialist principles.
Volkstat Hopism also is centred around well known basics concepts of emancipation
from philanthropists through history such as Thomas Payne, Mahatma Ghandi and Jesus
Christ among others.
Volkstat has a pragmatic approach to social taxation in that there are limits to
acceptable levels so this must be held in balance with Simplisation and Ultra Organisation
in order to get good value from tax.
The usual basic philanthropic principles apply;
Anti Imperialism and the right to self determination.
Equality regardless of age, race, sex, disability, background, region, creed.
Adequate social provision and responsibility for the sick, weak, handicapped, self
abusers and ethical animal welfare.
Target sustainability and local production of energy.
There are a few notable new principles.
Promotion of federalised folkcracy.
Oversupply of housing and commercial property.
Elimination of loanism, nonetarism and noney.
No year on year national borrowing allowed.
Elimination of destabilising economic factors and suspect trading (hedge funds etc),
i.e. puritan base capitalism.
All public services to apply ultra organisation and simplisation.
Purging crime and criminals with renewed vigour using borderline crime cancer erosion
End external interference in countries which destabilises local economies.
Apply proportional responsibility to problems so there is ownership and roadmaps
for resolution.
World scoring audits defining status of local problems and successes, progress and